- 대한민국 문인화협회 초대작가
- 대한민국 서도협회 초대작가
- 전국서도민전 초대작가
- 서울 국제 미술제 초대작가
_ 햔국서도예술협회 초대작가
_ 부산미술대전,청남휘호 특선다수및
- 오사카 2022 미술대전 비평가상
- the first writer of the Korean Writers Association
- the first writer of the Korea Calligraphy Association
- Invited Writers of the National Civilian Exhibition
- the first artist at the Seoul International Art Festival
_ First Artist of the Haiyan International Arts Association
_ Busan Art Exhibition, Cheongnam Hwiho Special Selection and
- Osaka 2022 Art Exhibition Critic Award