한국예술총연합회 한지조형 명인 인증
연세대 미래사회교육원 한지아카데미강사역임
2회 개인전 인사아트플라자갤러리
9번째 회원전 주최
전국한지공예대전 심사위원 역임
안동한지대전 심사위원역임
IBK 명품대전 심사위원 역임
Korea Federation of Arts certification of Han Ji-jo's master
He is a lecturer at Yonsei University's Korean Academy of Future Social Education
Master of Arts and Culture of Hanji
Chairman of the Korean Artistic Handicraft Research Center
The 2nd individual exhibition, Greeting Art Plaza Gallery
Hosted by the 9th nuclear power plant
He served as a judge of the Korean Traditional Arts and Crafts Competition
He's a judge of Andong Hanji Daejeon
I served as a judge of IBK Luxury Competition