-2022.2 서울광영고 미술교사 은퇴
-중국항주미술대학 초대전1992년
-한국화 신표상전-동덕미술관
-문인화 정신과 현대미술-시립미술관
-한국미술의 흐름과 전망전-토탈갤러리
-한중수교 31주년미술전-국회,중국,광주.교하아트
-2022.2 Seoul Gwangyeong High School Art Teacher Retires
- Invitational exhibition of the Chinese Hangzhou College of Art, 1992
- Shin Pyo Sang Exhibition of Korean Painting - Dongduk Museum of Art
- The spirit of literary art and contemporary art. - Museum of Art
- Flow of Korean Art and Prospect Exhibition - Total Gallery
- Spring and autumn turn. - Art Center
- Art exhibition marking the 31st anniversary of Korea-China diplomatic relations - National Assembly, China, Gwangju, Kyoha Art