-대한민국미술대전,한국현대미술협회 심사위원역임
-부산민화협회 회장역임
-국제종합예술협회,한국현대미술협회,국민예술협회 초대작가 -부산미술협회민화불화분과이사
-부산민화협회운영위원. 한국미술협회,부산미술협회,코리아아트페인팅, 창작민화 '공감' 회원
- Korean painting major at Pusan National University
- Korea Art Exhibition, judge of the Korea Contemporary Art Association
- He is the president of Busan Folk Painting Association
- First artist of International General Art Association, Korean Contemporary Art Association, and Korean Art Association - Director of Busan Art Association's Folk Painting and Buddhist Painting Division
- Steering member of Busan Folk Painting Association. Member of Korea Art Association, Busan Art Association, Korea Art Painting, Creative Folk Painting 'Sympathy'
- Operation of the Yoyo Folk Painting Room (Yangsan Deokgye)