개인전 23회
프랑스 랑뜨, 뉴욕 첼시, 라오스 비엔티안, 대구 문화예술회관, 이탈리아 밀라노, 진주 시청, 러시아 모스크바, 청도 연지갤러리, 부산 중구청, 김해예총 갤러리, 라메를 갤러리(인사동), 갤러리 경북(인사동), 안동 예갤러리,튀르키예 이스탄블 등
초대전 및 단체전(국내외) 300여회
(사)한국미협, 안동미협, 환경미술협회, 한국예술민간외교사절단, 한국현대미술작가연합회, 한국미술진흥원 회원
경상남도 환경미술대전. 현대미술국제공모전. 대한민국 아카데미 미술대전. 대한민국 전통미술대전. 대한민국 회화대상전 등 심사위원장및 심사위원 역임
23 individual exhibitions
French Lantern, New York Chelsea, Laos Vientiane, Daegu Culture and Arts Center, Milan, Italy, Jinju City Hall, Moscow, Russia, Yeondji Gallery in Cheongdo, Busan, Jung-gu Office, Gimhae Yechong Gallery, Ramerle Gallery (Insa-dong), Gallery Gyeongbuk (Insa-dong), Andong Ye Gallery, Turkiye Eastanble, etc
300 invitation and group exhibitions (domestic and international)
(G)Korean Art Association, Andong Art Association, Environmental Art Association, Korean Art Private Diplomatic Mission, Korean Association of Modern and Contemporary Artists, and Korean Art Promotion Agency member
Gyeongsangnam-do Environmental Art Exhibition. Contemporary Art International Competition. Republic of Korea Academy Art Exhibition. Republic of Korea Traditional Art Exhibition. He served as chairman and judge of the judging committee, including the Korea Painting Grand Prize Exhibition