개인전 17회 혜화아트센터,부산시청전시실,인사아트센터,kbs부산방송총국, 아트페어부스개인전,초대전외 언택트전(5회)등
단체전 150여회
작품소장 (사)한국차인연합회(서울),국립부경대학교,한국사학진흥재단부산행복연합기숙사
수상:각종공모전다수입상, 국가보훈문화미협초대작가
Award: Multiple awards for various contests, invited writers of the National Veterans Culture and Beauty Association
The 17th individual exhibition includes Hyehwa Art Center, Busan City Hall Exhibition Hall, Insa Art Center, kbs Busan Broadcasting General Bureau, Art Fair Booth Individual Exhibition, and Invitational Untouch Exhibition (5 times)
150 group exhibitions
Director of Works: Korea Tea Association (Seoul), National Pukyong National University, Busan Foundation for the Promotion of Korean History